Friday, January 2, 2015

Massachusetts cop runs over, kills man on New Year's Day

Massachusetts cop runs over, kills man on New Year's Day

The Chatham police officer was responding to an emergency call when he rolled his car over Garrett Gagne, who was lying in the roadway. Police are trying to investigate what the 22-year-old was doing on the ground in the middle of the road.

Thursday, January 1, 2015, 4:09 PM
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A Chatham, Mass., police officer responding to a call about 4 a.m. New Year's morning ran over and killed 22-year-old college lacrosse player Garrett Gagne, pictured, lying in the road.GARRETT GAGNE VIA FACEBOOKA Chatham, Mass., police officer responding to a call about 4 a.m. New Year's morning ran over and killed 22-year-old college lacrosse player Garrett Gagne, pictured, lying in the road.
A police officer from Chatham, Mass., ran over and killed a 22-year-old man on New Year's morning when he was responding to an emergency call.
The young man was identified as Garrett Gagne. He was lying in the unlit roadway at the time of the incident, according to police.
The officer thought he'd rolled over an object, but when he got out of the marked cruiser he realized it was a human, police said.
Police are trying to figure out why Gagne was lying in the middle of the road at 4 a.m.
Gagne was taken to Cape Cod Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Gagne was a college student and lacrosse player at St. Lawrence University in New York. He was celebrating New Year's Eve with his friends in Chatman, according to police.
The name of the Chatham police officer has not been released.CHATHAM-MA.GOVThe name of the Chatham police officer has not been released.
"Wisdom and meaning seem impossible right now in the midst of our immediate, heartbreaking sadness," William L. Fox, St. Lawrence University president, told WCVB. "We must, of course, give our best and most loving thoughts to Garett's family and friends in a day of such sudden deep grief."
Gagne was expected to graduate in 2015. The university will plan a gathering to honor Gagne's memory once school resumes.
"Garrett was close to all of us on the team — a leader, mentor and friend," said lacrosse coach Mike Mahoney. "His smile and enthusiasm were contagious. He could light up the field and sidelines with his personality."
The name of the police officer has not been released due to the ongoing investigation.